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Cassens Elementary School
1014 Glen Crossing Road, Glen Carbon, IL 620134
Feel free to e-mail me below with any questions or comments you have.


This will be my tenth year teaching fourth grade, and I am lucky enough to have taught all years at Cassens. I am a second career teacher. Prior to teaching, I worked as an accountant, but find teaching much more rewarding and challenging.


My greatest love is my family, which consists of my husband of 22 years, Jim, and our three children: Zack, Erin, and Kayla. Zack is a junior at Vanderbilty University. Erin is freshman at Butler University, and Kayla is a 8th grader at Liberty Middle School. I love telling stories about my family, so my students get to know them very well. In my free time, I enjoy reading, walking, taking family bike rides, listening to music, and just hanging out with my family.


One of my primary goals each year is to teach my students to be responsible and independent. These kids are capable of so much and will usually meet any expectation that I set for them, given the right encouragement and guidance. I love to laugh with my class and experience those "lightbulb" moments. Here's to a great year!





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